Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Modeling the Mine #5 Fan House


The original purpose of the East Broad Top Railroad was to transport coal and iron ore to the iron furnaces at Rockhill.  When the iron furnaces closed early in the twentieth century, the railroad continued to carry coal, but not to Rockhill Furnace.  Coal was mined on the east slope of Broad Top Mountain, some 32 miles south of the EBT's northern terminus at Mount Union.  There it was washed, cleaned, sorted, and transferred to standard gauge hopper cars destined for the steel mills of Pittsburgh and Steelton.  

By the 1950's, the Broad Top was a maze of tunnels and surface mines.  Mining coal was both dirty and dangerous.  Miners working far below the surface needed to have methane and other gases pumped out of the tunnels and fresh air pumped in.  One of the few surviving structures from those days is the fan house pictured above.  Constructed of cinder blocks, it contained an electric motor that drove the huge fan still visible in the ruins today.  Here is another photo, taken a few years earlier.

 My East Broad Top model railroad is set around the end of common carrier operations, in the late 1940s and early 1950s.  The fan, located between the tipples for mines #1 and #5, was a short distance west of the EBT main line.  I had a spot picked out for this unique structure, but there were few photos of it in operation, and scratch building it seemed difficult at best.

Then I discovered a 3D laser engraved basswood kit of the fan house from Monster Modelworks.  It was a simple build with four walls and a couple of large screened openings for air, all of which created a structure only 2.89" by 3.5" by 2.65" high.  Construction took just a couple of nights.  After assembling the walls, I spray painted them with a dark gray color.  After the paint dried, I brushed on Pan Pastel neutral gray shade, that highlighted the cinder blocks.  The base was painted with some leftover Floquil aged concrete applied with a brush.  Frames for the screens, a wooden door, and shingles for the roof were laser cut with an adhesive backing.  The result came out better than I had hoped.


I placed the finished structure in a wooded area not far from Mine #1 and next to a surface mine, which were rather common after the underground mines began to close down.


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Scenery for Closing the Gap

 In my last post, I illustrated how I constructed a foam mountain to act as a scenic block while covering the entrance to the HO gauge loop on my East Broad Top Railroad.  The mountain did the trick, but I still had the problem of finishing off the scenery.  Here is what it looked like with the mountain in place. 

 My plan was to use a plaster two track tunnel portal for the entrance.  I sprayed the stone portal with a dark gray, then gently brushed a light gray Pan  Pastel over the stonework.  The portal looked terrific, but I still had that gash in the hillside. (Did the pink give it away?)  I played around with several options, but finally settled on wood cribbing using a resin casting that has been in my spare parts box for years.


The next step was to build up the terrain by gluing paper strips to support plaster bandage that would be used to create the hillside.  The cork on the left below is the level of the town of Orbisonia just behind the station.  The HO tracks are descending on a 2% grade.  

 I covered the tracks with plastic drop cloth, then gently cut the plaster bandage to the proper size and shape and draped it over the paper supports.  I decided that rather than dipping the bandage in water, which would be rather messy with all the scenery already in place, I would use layers of dry plaster bandage and then spray them gently with water.  It worked like a charm!  The plaster cloth dried in place with very little plaster dust and mess to clean up.

After the plaster dried, I painted the newly scenicked area with a brown latex hobby paint.  

After  the paint dried, I slathered on a layer of matte medium, then sprinkled various shades of ground foam to create a landscape.

 The rest of the project was relatively simple.  I still needed to ballast the tracks and add trees, shrubs, structures and people.  The results were, to my mind, rather pleasing.  Here is a long PRR coal drag emerging from the tunnel and working its way upgrade.

The upper level, which had been unfinished for years, is now endowed with a lovely gazebo, where the local German band is entertaining some of the inhabitants of Orbisonia and Rock Hill on a lazy summer afternoon.  The um-pah-pah of the orchestra is occasionally drowned out by the roar of a passing coal train.

While the gap has been closed, and the layout is now completely scenicked, there is still work to be done.  As every modeler knows, a model railroad is never finished.  But at long last I can turn my attention to running trains and adding details that give that very special sense of realism to what has been my joy and entertainment for the last 15 years. From time to time I will fire up the blog if something turns out to be worth sharing with the world.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Closing the Gap


The last unfinished section of my East Broad Top model railroad can be seen in the above view.  To the left is the back of the roundhouse.  The opening in the center of the picture is a pop-up for access to the roundhouse and the HO gauge tracks that descend below the coal mines at Robertsdale, circle around and reappear on the right.  Above the HO tracks is the HOn3 track that allows the narrow gauge loop to access a high bridge over Aughwick Creek before its descent on a long grade back to the dual gauge yard at Blacklog. 

Here is a photo of the same area with the drop-in cover that holds a small church,, cemetery and house in the background.  You can just make out the HO tracks behind and below the church.  The tracks in the upper right are the HOn3 main.


 I decided to begin by adding a foam mountain that would cover the HO approach to the hidden loop.  Using two inch blue foam insulation, I cut and layered four sheets of foam, then used a saw and a Surfoam brush to shape the mountain.


The curved end would eventually descend to a two track stone tunnel portal,  The opposite end was cut flat to blend in with existing mountains above and behind the pop-up.  The next stop was to paint the foam with latex brown.  I then applied matte medium to glue clumps of lichen foliage to the foam. I collected the lichen from alongside a road where it grew in abundance, cleaned it, immersed it in a solution of hot water and glycerin to preserve it, finally spraying it with Aileen's Tacky Spray followed by an application of green foam.  Looks pretty realistic, if I say so myself.

The foam mountain was designed to fit behind the cover of the pop-up service access, covering the HO tracks that ran beneath it.  Here is a view of the pop-up hatch with the mountain behind it.

 And here is a view of the mountain taken from the opposite side of the layout.  The tracks in the foreground are the HOn3 wye on the left and the sidings for mine number 1 at Robertsdale.  The new mountain fits snugly against the EBT tracks leading to the return loop.


In my next post, I will share how I detailed the scenery to this yet unfinished part of the EBT.



Friday, September 29, 2023

The 43rd National Narrow Gauge Convention

Almost 1200 narrow gauge enthusiasts assembled in Denver from August 30 to September 2 for the 43rd National Narrow Gauge Convention.  This year's convention was one of the largest in recent memory, with 80 vendors and 60 clinics, not to mention 44 home layouts and museums open to convention goers.  The convention followed the format of previous events, with clinics and vendors open mornings and evenings, leaving the afternoons free to visit area model railroads and other attractions.  

I arrived a day early, rented a car and drove into the mountains to visit with a friend from Minnesota who has a cabin on the South Platte River.  The road between the cabin and the river was originally the main line of the Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad.  Just a stone's throw from the cabin stands a log depot, which once served the narrow gauge DSP&P.

The cabin was rustic, but had a well stocked bar.  We spent the evening talking about the history of the place until finally turning in.  The sound of river crashing over the rocks and the light of a full moon were the perfect ending to my first day. 
The next morning, after an leisurely walk along the South Platte, I drove back to Denver and registered at the convention center.  That evening I made a quick tour of the vendor room, then wandered over to the contest room.  Models and photos were available for viewing throughout the convention.  Attendees each received a ballot to vote for their favorite entries, with winners to be announced at the closing event Saturday night. 
The quality of the contest entries was stunning.  Among the impressive structures was a beautiful HO scale model of a machine shop with lights and working overhead belts and pulleys. 

 An HO scale working model of the Durango coaling tower featured a working lift for the coal. 
As you might expect, most of the models and photos were of Colorado narrow gauge prototypes.  But there were a few Eastern narrow gauge entries.The winner in the passenger car division was an O scale replica of the East Broad Top's business car, number 20, the Orbisonia.

On Thursday, I drove up I-70 into the mountains to visit the Georgetown Loop Railroad.  The Loop is steeped in the history of Colorado.  By 1879 the silver boom had created a race between Colorado's competing railroad systems. One of the proposed routes, relying on the Union Pacific owned Colorado Central, would extend west from Georgetown, cross Loveland Pass, and turn south to the silver mines at Leadville.  But a competing route, using DSP&P track, crossed the Continental Divide first, leaving the Georgetown route unfinished.  The line never did reach the Divide, but it did beget the construction of the Georgetown Loop.  The Loop consists of a number of  hairpin curves, along with a spectacular, high spindly bridge, built to raise the track 638 feet in less than 2 miles. Today the loop carries tourists over a short run from Georgetown to Silver Plume and back. I did manage to get my photo taken with the high bridge in the background.

 After a great lunch in Georgetown, I drove back down I-70 to Idaho Springs, former home of well known author and model railroader Harry Brunk.  Long time readers of the Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette will know of Harry. He wrote a column from 1980 to 2010 describing his HOn3 Union Central & Northern Clear Creek Division. Harry’s layout depicted the Colorado & Southern’s 3-foot gauge Clear Creek line that once ran from Denver through Golden, up Clear Creek Canyon, through Forks Creek, spun a branch off to Black Hawk and Central City, past the famous Argo Tunnel, through Idaho Springs and Georgetown, over and up and around the famous Georgetown Loop and into Silver Plume and even a bit beyond.  Harry passed away recently, but his layout has been preserved at the Cheyenne Depot Museum in Wyoming. 

 While in Idaho Springs, I visited a large and incredibly detailed model railroad built by Mike Horner.  The layout, which occupied the entire second floor of a large garage, took over thirty years to build.  In talking with one of the operating crew, I learned that the railroad had not operated in over a year.  Mike's focus is on building, not operating.  But with the help of some local model railroaders, they had managed to get the whole thing up and running in time for the convention.  Truly an amazing layout!

On Friday, I joined several friends for a trip to the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden, about 30 minutes from the hotel.  The museum has a large collection of historic and modern locomotives and rolling stock.  We arrived just in time for a ride behind RGS ten-wheeler #20. The Rio Grande Southern bought the locomotive from the Florence & Cripple Creek in 1889, pulling trains west from Alamosa to Durango.  A fan favorite, #20 was often requested to haul special charter trains for railfans.  Famed railroad photographers Beebe and Clegg chartered two private cars in the 1930's that carried them over the so-called "Narrow Gauge Circle" behind RGS #20. 
While exploring the museum, a young man noticed my convention name badge and asked, "Are you the Russ Norris who has a blog on the internet?"  Turns out he has followed my blog for a number of years -- the very first person who has ever told me that!  

In honor of the National Convention, the museum fired up a second locomotive just for the day.  K-37 #491 was originally built as a standard gauge engine, but the D&RGW rebuilt it to operate on narrow gauge tracks in the last days of steam railroading.  When we arrived at the museum, the K-37 was steaming up next to the roundhouse.  With my convention badge, I was free to wander almost anywhere, so I strolled over to take some pictures of #491.  The hostler invited me into the cab, where he was feeding coal into the firebox.  It was in the 90's in Golden that day, but the weather felt cool compared to the temperature in the cab.

In the afternoon, museum staff pulled #20 and replaced it with the K-37.  What a thrill when that huge locomotive came chuffing up to the station, slowed to a halt, and with a shout of warning from the engineer, performed a blow down for the crowd.

One of the delightful surprises at the museum was the discovery of a large HO scale model railroad in the basement of the station, owned and operated by the Denver HO Model Railroad Club. 

Space does not permit a review of all the historic rolling stock at the museum, but I can't finish without mentioning the famous "galloping geese" on display -- another tip of the hat to the stubborn little RGS, which found ways to keep operating right through the depression.  If you are ever in Denver, the Colorado Railroad Museum is worth a visit!

Saturday morning, the last day of the convention, several friends and I drove up and over the Continental Divide for a visit to the famous Como Roundhouse.  The route follows the DSP&P railroad to the top of the world.  After climbing steeply for miles, we passed the Divide and entered a wide flat prairie dotted with cattle and horses... and the occasional moose!

Como is a small village, but it played an outsized role in Colorado railroading.  The route that succeeded in reaching the silver lode at Leadville (and ended the dreams of Georgetown) ran through Como, which had an engine service facility at the top of the world.  A small group of dedicated local citizens is working to restore the roundhouse.  

The roundhouse has been largely renovated and the turntable is operation.  It is an "Armstrong" table, but the bridge is so well balanced on its bearing that I was able to push it myself with very little effort. 

After visiting the roundhouse and enjoying speeder rides on a half-mile stretch of track, we drove back down I-70, ending the day at a nifty little bar and restaurant not far from the cabin where I spent my first night. What a great way to wind  up a fabulous adventure!
The 43rd National Narrow Gauge Convention came to an end Saturday night.  Contest award winners were announced and a vote was taken on where the next annual conventions will be held.  Next year's event will be in Pittsburgh, and will feature a bus trip to visit the East Broad Top Railroad.  Future conventions will be in St. Louis, Minneapolis and Nashville.

Monday, July 31, 2023


Modeling East Broad Top Mine Number 1

The Rockhill Iron and Coal Company opened its first deep mine on Broad Top Mountain in 1875 -- the same year that the East Broad Top Railroad reached Robertsdale at the southern end of the tracks.  Mine number 1 was a slope mine that proved to be one of the most productive of a number of deep mines on the Broad Top.  Over the next 75 plus years number 1 closed and reopened several times.  It was still active when the railroad ceased operations in 1956.

The mine was a short walk from the center of Robertsdale, where the EBT tracks crossed Main Street at what became known as "Company Square" -- so named because of the four railroad-owned structures that bracketed the crossing: the Company Store, the Robertsdale station and scale, the old Post Office, and the coal company office building.  The Company Store was demolished years ago, but the other three buildings are still standing. 

The mine openings are still visible, but the tunnels have collapsed.  However, tours of the area are offered by the Friends of the East Broad Top (FEBT) on weekends.  What is visible today is a pile of "boney" where the tipple once stood.  The above photo is a rare shot of engine 15 pulling a string of hopper cars past the tipple.  The wood structure with the chimney was the scale house.  The metal building next to it was a shelter for crews during inclement weather.  

Two sets of tracks served the tipple: Loaded mine cars carrying a long ton {2200 pounds} of coal were hauled up by a continuous cable that also lowered the empties back into the mine.  A long trestle for the loaded mine cars rose slightly higher than the floor of the trestle.  Cars were cut loose from the cable and drifted down the incline to the scale, where they were weighed prior to dumping their loads into waiting hopper cars below.  The empties then rolled back down a return track to the mine.

The deck of the tipple was constructed of 12 x 4 boards resting on heavy timbers.  I decided to make the decking from coffee stirrers cut to size and stained various shades of gray and brown.  To make construction easier, I cut out a sub-floor from 1/16" basswood sheet based on scale drawings by Lee Rainey published in Along the East Broad Top by Donald J.  Heimburger (Heimburger House Publishing, River Forest, IL, 1987), pp. 84-85.  I drew guidelines on the floor to make sure the boards were square.

Planks were dipped in various shades of stain for random lengths of time, then dried on a paper towel and cut to size.  The boards were glued to the sub-floor with Aileen's Tacky Glue.  After the floor planks were in place, I used the plans to lay out HOn3 code 40 rail for the tracks.  Rusty brown colored powders were applied to the tracks to give a sense of rust and dirt.  The rails were secured to the deck with Pliobond, an adhesive that is strong, quick drying and flexible. The walls of the scale house can be seen on the left end of the tipple floor.

The tipple rested on heavy timbers and cross beams.  I laid the floor upside down on the workbench, then carefully set the supports along the near side of the tipple.  Here is a photo of the structure on a bare section of the railroad that would later be covered with vegetation and trees.

Note that the loaded mine cars were hauled up to the tipple on a long trestle that rose to an apex slightly higher than the deck of the tipple, allowing the cars to coast down to the scale house, where they were weighed.  Workers would then push the car to one of the chutes, where the wheels would actuate a mechanism that tipped the car, dumping its contents either into waiting hopper cars or a truck for local deliveries.  

The return track (furthest from the camera) did not run on a trestle, but on a bed of boney, which still stands today.  The back of the tipple is supported by timbers largely hidden by a bank of boney.  To model this embankment, I cut a piece of 2 inch pink foam insulation, cut to resemble the fill.

The foam was then shaped with a surfoam tool, painted black and sprinkled with finely crushed boney I collected from the EBT yards in Rockhill. The pile of boney supports the back side of the tipple, and the tracks for the empties slopes down to where it will eventually disappear into the trees.

Since I was working with code 40 rail, not flextrack, I had to create a length of track for the empties.  I laid out a series of tinted wood ties on a sheet of glass using doubled sided sticky tape.  I then used Pliobond to glue the rails to the ties, using HOn3 track gauges to keep the rails 3 scale feet apart.

Before gluing the tracks in place, I needed to finish the scenery for the hillside above and behind the tipple.  The mountain was made with strips of plaster bandages with several additional layers of plaster added.  To give the smooth hillside some "tooth" I applied a layer of adhesive screen used by contractors to plaster over sheet rock.  For trees, I used some of my collected of lichen found in low-lying areas of Cape Cod, then cleaned, boiled in glycerin and water, sprayed with adhesive and sprinkled with green foam. If you look closely at the following photo, you can see one of the company houses in Robertsdale on the extreme right.  This is not scenic compression.  The town really is that close to mine number 1.

That left only the details.  I added a small corrugated shed for the crew, railings all around, and chutes made from Polystyrene sheet to protect the decking.  Here is a close-up shot of how it looks.

 The project is not yet finished.  I still have to construct the trestle that will run parallel to the boney roadbed, for the loaded cars to make their ascent to the tipple.  Before I can finalize the model, I also need to ballast the tracks and add other scenic materials.  But here is a photo designed to reflect the prototype shot at the beginning of the article.